



  • About

Donate £3.66 this leap day and make the extra day count!

No one should have to go without food. Yet, across the UK many parents go without, so their children can eat. Too many families across the UK struggle in silence, crumbling under societal and financial pressure, and having to rely increasingly on foodbanks. The experience for many is humiliating, stressful, and relentless. 

This leap day is an extra day in the calendar year where parents will have to choose between heating and eating, and the cost of living continues to place a strain on family life. 

That is why this leap day, we are asking for £3.66 - enough to pay for the cost of a meal deal and provide a struggling family with nutritious food.

At Oasis we run over 50 Oasis Academies across the UK which are part of our Community Hubs. This allows us to provide FULL support - catering for the education needs of students, alongside mental health support and food programs from our hubs. 

Thanks to your generosity and kindness, we will be able to continue the work we do building stronger communities where families feel able to ask for help with no shame, and have a stronger hope that they will be able to provide.